Making an Appointment
The first step is to speak with one of our Intake Specialists. The Intake Specialist will gather the information needed to set up your services, including basic personal contact information and health insurance. The Intake Specialist will also help you access your “Patient Portal,” which will allow you to sign documents, such as the financial agreement and consent for services. The Intake Specialist will then assist in scheduling an appointment time with a therapist or other provider.
If you are in need of translation or interpreter services, you can request assistance from an intake specialist, who will help you schedule an appointment with the appropriate interpreting services
You may contact an Intake Specialist by calling the office location nearest you, or by calling (218) 287-4338. The Intake fax number is: (218) 512-0643. Alternatively, you may schedule a phone appointment with an Intake Specialist by using the scheduling calendar below (or click here). THIS IS A PHONE APPOINTMENT WITH AN INTAKE WORKER, NOT AN APPOINTMENT WITH A THERAPIST.
If the request is urgent, contact Solutions directly by phone. If this is an emergency, call 911.
Phone numbers for individual clinics can be found under the Locations tab. You can also visit one of our locations in person to arrange appointments and services. Please check the opening hours for each location.
Please note this is an appointment to gather intake information. This is NOT an appointment with a therapist. After the Intake Specialist has gathered the needed information, you will be provided an appointment time with a provider.
First Appointment
At your first appointment, you will check in at the front desk. You may be asked to sign additional paperwork, and complete brief assessment forms related to your appointment. After that, you will meet with the therapist.
The purpose of your first appointment is for your therapist to get to know you and your condition. This is called a diagnostic assessment. At this assessment, your therapist will go through the concerns you are having and your mental health symptoms. At the end of this assessment session, your therapist will review their findings and will discuss treatment options with you.
Your health insurance may cover services that are considered medically necessary.
External Referral Information
If you are a professional referring a client on the behalf of an agency, please see this page for more information.